Frequently used Postgres commands

Tags : Postgres

Some of the common postgres related commands

  1. Logging into local Postgres server

    • sudo psql -U <username>
      Eg: sudo psql -U postgres
  2. Creating a new database. (Note: following command need to run after #1)

    • create database <db_name>;
      Eg: create database test_db;
  3. Dropping a database. (Note: following command need to run after #1)

    • drop database <db_name>;
      Eg: drop database test_db;
  4. Take complete backup dump of a database.

    • pg_dump --no-owner -h <host_ip/endpoint> -p <port> -U <username> <db_name> > <file_path>
      Eg: pg_dump --no-owner -h -p 5432 -U postgres uat_db > test_dump.sql
  5. Restoring the dump to an existing new database in local.

    • sudo psql -U <username> -d <db_name> < <file_path>
      Eg: sudo psql -U postgres -d <test_db> < test_dump.sql